Frequently asked questions

Please see below a list of our frequently asked questions. If there are any questions that you have that are not included below, please visit our 'contact us' page on the left to get in touch.

How often should I have my chimney swept?

If burning smokeless coal/fuel -  A minimum of once a year

If burning wood:    Once every quarter when in use 

If burning bitumous coal:    A minimum of twice a year

Oil appliances:    A minimum of once a year

Gas apppliances:    A minimum of once a year


Why do I need a sweeping certificate?

Many insurance companies now require you to prove that you have had your chimney swept and this shows that you have had this done within the last 12 months. A Guild Certificate will be recognised by your insurance company. Our certificates also fulfill a landlords mandatory safety obligations regarding Oil, Gas and Solid Fuel. Your sweeping certificate will contain any recommendations made by your sweep so that you are aware of anything that requires attention. 

I have heard on the news that they've banned wood and coal. Does this mean I can't use my stove?

No. There has recently been a ban of the sale of wet wood and household coal. You can still burn fully seasoned or kiln dried logs and smokeless coal. There is not a ban on the sale of all fuels, it is just that some fuels are more pollutant to the environment. 

Does this mean that by burning only good fuels that I'm not going to pollute the atmosphere?

No. All chimneys burning solid fuel will pollute, however there are things that you can do to reduce these emissions. The way you use your stove or fireplace is just as important, if not more important than the type of fuel burned. As professional chimney sweeps, we can show you how to use your stove and make recommendations on how to get the best from your appliance. More information on pollution and what you can do to reduce this can be found on the Burnright Website .

Do you make a mess?     

We are very clean sweeps. With the methods we use, we expect to leave your fireplace cleaner than we found it. On occasions we can find birds nests, falling masonry or other such obstacles lodged inside a flue. We also find badly installed appliances. These are much more difficult to contain and when this happens we cannot guarantee that the soot will not escape. We would always recommend that soft furnishings are covered if there is anything in particular in the room that you may be worried about, but we do our best to contain the soot as much as possible. It may be an idea to have your chimney swept more regularly if you use your appliance very often, to avoid a heavy build up of soot or debris. 

What's the best wood to burn?

 For the best results logs should be seasoned for two years or more. This will not only give twice the output of freshly felled wood but it will also help to avoid the build up of tar in your flue. Basically the drier the wood, the better it burns. Hardwood logs are better still, as they have about twice the calorific value of softwoods.


I have a wood-burning Stove with a metal flue all the way to the top. Does this still need to be swept as often?

 Yes. Soot still forms inside these Flues and there is still a risk of a chimney fire if these are used without regular sweeping. Blockages and tar can also still occur. (See above for sweeping frequency).